I'm Ready

I'm a lucky guy. I mean, I'm really a lucky guy. Going back as long as I can remember, I've experienced many things that a lot of people would envy. I won't go into details about everything here because this isn't an autobiography, but I'll say this; I've had the opportunity to live a wonderful life. I'm only 31 at the moment, so there's a lot that I have need to accomplish, so I'm certainly not getting complacent. Having said that, there's some interesting things happening in my life right now that has me really happy.

I'll start with some of the most recent news.

This past August, after Summer semester ended, I took about a week off from work so that I can spend it with my family. In the span of three weeks we went to the zoo, the beach, a water park, shopping, and we were able to take care of some things in the apartment as well. That was very rewarding for me because I felt like the Summer semester took so much out of me, and drained me out a lot. I felt like I was spending very little, if any, time with my family. So in three weeks I was able to recharge my batteries and reconnect with my family. I wish I had more time to spend with them; I love them very much.

Someway, somehow, I've also taken on the hobby to share with friends the deals that I find online. As you may already be aware, I spend a lot of time on my iPhone reading about the very latest in technology, especially iPhone news. So friends usually come to me to ask me what the latest is when it comes to Apple news, or the latest apps, etc. Meanwhile, I've also become an Amazon fan in the process and somehow gotten into sharing deals and news on Twitter that I think my friends would find relevant to them as well. But at the same time I was concerned that my Twitter followers would find this annoying.

So I got into thinking of a way to share all this without necessarily making anybody upset. I dedicated a Facebook Page, and also a Twitter page solely for the purpose of sharing this info, with the intent to not alienate those who don't really care about this sort of stuff. The Facebook page has seen some early success with about 25 people "liking" the page, but to my surprise, none of my Twitter followers have opted to follow the Twitter page I created for this purpose. I thought, surely there has to be at least one of my followers who'd been enjoying these announcements. But seemingly I was wrong.

I was talking to someone whom I trust in their advice, and as we were talking I realized that maybe I approached this the wrong way. Getting a dedicated Facebook page was probably a necessity, but I could have very easily continued doing this under my personal Twitter page with no problems. After all, it's Twitter... you're supposed to share links and junk with people. They can click on it and read, or they can simply skip the tweet and/or unfollow me. I hope they do neither, but that's the reality of it. Regardless of this, I think I'm going to continue posting the things that I feel are relevant to my followers, and also continue the other Twitter page with the dedicated stream of app deals and whatnot.

As of right now, I'm having a lot of fun doing this. As strange as it sounds, it sort of gives me a purpose in life in a way. But by no means am I letting this be a distract me of what I need to do to achieve my goal. I'm still going to go to school, and I'm going to get a degree in Political Science. And, if I think I'm up to it at the time, I'll also get into Law School when the time comes.

Speaking of school, I've been very fortunate to have gotten very good professors while at Valencia. The Fall 2011 semester's first week just came to an end yesterday, and at the end of this semester I'll be done with Valencia and moving on to UCF (hopefully). It's exciting times, and I can't wait what the future brings.

I'm ready.

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  1. when a window closes, a door opens ... or something like that. I don't know the saying exactly, but I know I thought that a lot after I lost my job last year. So far, it's been true for me. Good luck :)


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