Democrats Need Bernie Bros Whether They Like It Or Not
This is terrible for @SenSanders, for his movement, and for the Democratic Party that continues to trust his judgment. 1/— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) June 23, 2017
You may have not noticed this, but there's been a lot of resentment from Hillary Clinton supporters ever since her colossal loss in November. Instead of blaming her (the candidate) and how her campaign was run, they're blaming it all on other issues. They blame Wikileaks, the now-former FBI Director, but the most continuous attacks continue to go toward the so-called 'Bernie Bros.'
While the Democratic Party is in shambles, and lacking a message that fails to click and resonate with the American people, Liberals remain bitter. This resentment is most noticeable whenever Bernie Sanders speaks out on any issue, but it especially seems to sting them whenever he calls out the weaknesses of The Party.
While the Democratic Party is in shambles, and lacking a message that fails to click and resonate with the American people, Liberals remain bitter. This resentment is most noticeable whenever Bernie Sanders speaks out on any issue, but it especially seems to sting them whenever he calls out the weaknesses of The Party.
As I mentioned before on Twitter, as long as the Party is incapable of reflection, and Democrats continue to blame Sanders supporters for losing the 2016 election, they'll lose even more elections. Instead of attacking Bernie Sanders' supporters, Democrats need to embrace their grievances instead.
Yes, I said they need to embrace them. Hug it out. Ask them out to lunch and dinner. Go for stroll on the beach together. But they need to come together, because they need them to win elections.
Yes, I said they need to embrace them. Hug it out. Ask them out to lunch and dinner. Go for stroll on the beach together. But they need to come together, because they need them to win elections.
Take the GOP for example, and what they've done since the late-2000s. They embraced the Tea Party Movement, and that force—for better and for worse—it's what has allowed them to enjoy having the majority of governors, the majority of state and local government positions, a majority in congress, and now the presidency.
The bottom line is, Democrats won't begin to win meaningful elections, unless they embrace Bernie Sanders and the so-called 'Bernie Bros.'
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