Facebook Conversation This Past Weekend
This weekend I posted on a friend's status update on Facebook that had to do with the situation in Libya before the air strikes by saying this: "The fact that the French are getting involved speaks volume as to the seriousness of the situation in Libya." So one of his friends, who I don't know, responded with "And also tells you what a wimp OBAMA IS!"
I can see where he could get that perception, but in the case of the Libya situation I felt he was wrong. Let me fill you in on the rest of the conversation:
I thought that'd be the end of it, but it wasn't. He decided to send me a message...
I had to end it at that. He's a lost cause.
I can debate any conversation, but it's clear to me that he's got an ideology based on what he's heard from Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, etc. I'm not saying those people are always wrong about what they say, but they're not always right either. And, to me, they like to distort facts and sensationalize it to bring more attention to themselves. Me, I like to make my own opinion about things.
I can see where he could get that perception, but in the case of the Libya situation I felt he was wrong. Let me fill you in on the rest of the conversation:
I don't think Obama's being a wimp about this. As you may know he's worked with other countries to get them involved, France being one of the main ones particularly because they're closer to Lybia and any of our other allies that are willin...g to help. We simply don't have the resources to get heavily involved there right now; don't forget we have lots of our men and women being in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. France didn't help much, if any, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fact that they're out there really does speak for itself. Right now just isn't a good time to send troops to Libya. I'm the first one to critize Obama when he doesn't act, but in my opinion, I think he's played his cards right on this one with getting other countries involved instead of jumping the gun and sending troops there right away.
I didnt say he should send troops, but they have been killing innocent people with military aircraft for over two weeks! God forbid we offend a muslim country, we have several measures to stop that kind of behavior where ever in the world it happens! We are supposed to be the leader when it comes to freedom! And before its over with we will be the ones to in to send aid, and money. And still haft to go in and clean up the mess anyway! Not the french!
I know you didn't say he should send troops, but you're calling the President a wimp for not getting involved. I mean, it's not like he's going to send the Red Cross to help the people that are getting killed over there. Had they been attacking Americans this would have been a different story, but they're killing themselves. That kind of stuff happens all throughout the world without direct US involvement. Examples: Rwanda and Burma. Let's see what happens in Libya.
The no fly zone should have been implemented after the first attack by a Libian aircraft on its own people. France taking the lead on anything ought to make you question the intentions Hmmm? Can you say a new world order? America used to be... a world SUPERPOWER and bowed to no one. We should strive to become that again,not lower Ourselfs to the rest of the world standards. And root out evil no matter where it is. And when people hunger for freedom and rise up against oppressing, we should be the first ones in! We left the Iranian people to do it own there own,and look how that turned out. Hundreds of dead protesters. We will eventually haft to deal with Iran sooner or later. We should have done when thier people where crying for it!
The French didn't take the lead on anything. What do you think Hillary Clinton was doing in France this week? I've been following these news from the start, and from the start the White House took the lead as to what course of action shou...ld take place. I respect him for taking the time on this one. We can't afford another Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan type of situation to repeat itself, can we? I think we can agree on that. In the end, I think the US will come out on top on this one. Btw, it's being reported as we speak that the US already is launching some missiles in Libya. We sit here and discuss this all we can but in the end we're not the ones trying to fix the US and global economy, tackle a disaster in the Gulf (a few months ago), assist Haiti, New Zealand and Japan with their natural disaster, carry not 1 but 2 wars at once, and handle everything that's been going on in the Middle East recently. Obama is. Many people wonder how this country is so in debt, well there's a just a few reasons. Wars and world-policing isn't cheap. If we want to fix our economy, bring our men and women back home, etc, we need to start thinking out our priorities as a country a little better. Right? Right.
That we can agree upon!
I thought that'd be the end of it, but it wasn't. He decided to send me a message...
Where you get your information from. The Lame Stream Media,or do you do your own research? What news station do you watch?
Why? Is my information incorrect?
I don't watch news from one station. I watch pretty much all of them. I do that because some outlets feed you what you want to hear based on their demographics. Fox News feed news to a mostly Republican audience, while MSNBC feeds it to mostly Democrat audience. CNN tries to stay in the middle for the most part but they can go either way depending on the situation. It's easier for me to decipher what the facts are by watching and reading the news from different outlets than to just watch one.
With that being said, I respect your opinion and I see where you're coming from. You love this country just as much as I do I'm sure. And I hope that you don't think I was trying to under-mind you or anything, but when I saw you wrote that Obama is a wimp I just tried to have you see it from the big picture.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Gulf Crisis, Haiti, New Zealand, Japan, US economy, World economy, domestic social issues, etc etc, are all things Obama has tackled since he came to office. Has he been right about everything? Of course not! But when things come to you as they come and you're president you have to look at how things will affect everything because everything he does affects the whole world and not just us here. I'm not trying to change your opinion about him, but I just wish you'd consider all those things when calling the man a wimp. If it was you running the show you'd want me considering all those things too.
I'm opinionated because I feel strongly about our current state of things in our country and the world. I don't want the US making bad decisions that will cost us even more in the future, not only with money but with the cost of more of our military's lives too.
No I am not saying your information was incorrect,I was just trying to figure out were you stood. As far as Obama goes I think he is to worried about what everyone else thinks, and does not have our countrys best interest at heart. I think he has a socialist agenda,and is not a believer in capitalism. He is a believer in collective salvation, and not individual responsabilty. A spread the wealth agenda. And is trying to undermine what our founding fathers fought and died for. He thinks the United States Constitution is a out dated document and does not want us to be a super power,his entitlement programs that he is implementing ,is what is killing our economic growth,more regulations and fees that hurt small companys. He believes that the government should make all the decitions and he knows what best for us. A government big enough to give you everything you need, is big enough to take everything you have! Thats called Marxism where I come from and has never worked in any country in the worlds history!
Oh, ok.
I had to end it at that. He's a lost cause.
I can debate any conversation, but it's clear to me that he's got an ideology based on what he's heard from Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, etc. I'm not saying those people are always wrong about what they say, but they're not always right either. And, to me, they like to distort facts and sensationalize it to bring more attention to themselves. Me, I like to make my own opinion about things.
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