Do-it-yourself Free Ringtones For Your iPhone

I know there's apps out there that claim to create free ringtones for your iPhone. Personally, I've never tried any of those apps so I can't tell you how they work or if they work at all. I know some are free, others you have to pay for.

A little while back I stumbled upon this blog post by the folks at I just wanted to share this with you as an alternative way to create your own ringtones. The steps are pretty simple and straight-forward, so I don't anticipate any of you running into any trouble while making your own ringtones.

Below are the steps as quoted from


Select the song in iTunes that I want to use as a ringtone. Protected AAC files will not work.

Right-click on the song and select Get Info

Go to the Options page and select the start and end times for the ringtone, also use treble boost on the EQ setting and slide the volume slider to 100%

Right-click on the song again and select Convert Selection to AAC

Right-click on the converted song and select Show in Finder

Drag the .m4a file from the Finder window to your desktop

Go back to iTunes and delete the converted song from iTunes. If you skip this step, double clicking on the .m4r file to import the ringtone into iTunes will not work properly.

Right-click on the song file on your desktop, select Get Info and change the file extension from .m4a to m4r.

Open Finder and locate the Ringtones folder underneath your iTunes folder. The path should be /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Ringtones. If you don't have this folder, create it.

Drag the renamed song file from your desktop to the Ringtones folder in Finder.

Double-click on the .m4r file now stored inside the Ringtones folder. iTunes should change to the Ringtones folder under Library near the top and start playing the ringtone.

Drag the ringtone to your phone.

Below is a video I found describing the same steps:

See, it's that simple! Please let me know if these steps worked for you.


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